Lucrări publicate în reviste științifice cu peer-review
[1] Hâncean, M.-G., Lerner, J., Perc, M., Ghiță, M.-C., Bunaciu, D., Stoica, A.A., Mihăilă, B.E. (2022) The role of age in the spreading of COVID-19 across a social network in Bucharest. Journal of Complex Networks – Oxford University Press. 9(4): cnab026. (Disponibil aici)
[2] Hâncean M-G, Lubbers MJ, Molina JL (2021) Measuring transnational social fields through binational link-tracing sampling. PLoS ONE 16(6): e0253042. (Disponibil aici)
[3] Hâncean, M. G., Lerner, J., Perc, M., Oană, I., Bunaciu, D. A., Stoica, A. A., & Ghiţă, M. C. (2022). Occupations and their impact on the spreading of COVID-19 in urban communities. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-12. (Disponibil aici)
[4] Hâncean, M.-G., Ghiță, M.-C., Perc, M., Lerner, J., Oană, I., Mihăilă, B.E., Stoica, A.A, Bunaciu, D.A. (2022). Disaggregated data on age and sex for the first 250 days of the COVID-19 pandemic in Bucharest, Romania. Scientific Data 9,253. (Disponibil aici)
[5] Molina, J. L., Lubbers, M. J., Hâncean, M.-G., & Fradejas-García, I. (2022). Short take: Sampling from transnational social fields. Field Methods (Sage Publications), 34, 3. (Disponibil aici)
[6] Hâncean, M.-G., Perc, M., Gheorghiță, A., Vega Yon GG, Mihăilă, BE. (2022). The formation of political discussion networks. Royal Society Open Science, 9, 1. (Disponibil aici)
[7] Lerner, J., & Hâncean, MG. (2022). Micro-level network dynamics of scientific collaboration and impact: Relational hyperevent models for the analysis of coauthor networks. Network Science, 11(1), 5-35. (Disponibil aici)
Manuscrise aflate sub evaluare
[8] Nichita, D, Dima, M, Boboc, L, Hâncean, MG. Causal impact of weather on the COVID-19 spread, mediated by human mobility. Research square, [manuscris sub evaluare la Scientific Reports, Nature]
[9] Hâncean, MG, Lerner, J, Perc, M, Molina, JL, Geantă, M. Assortative mixing of opinions about COVID-19 vaccination in personal networks. Research square, [manuscris sub evaluare la Scientific Reports, Nature]
[10] Hâncean, MG, Lerner, J, Lomi, A. Relational hyperevent models for the coevolution of coauthoring and citation networks. arxiv Cornell University, [manuscris sub evaluare la Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Elsevier]
Manuscrise în pregătire
[11] Hâncean, MG, Lerner, J, Perc, M, Molina, JL, Mihăilă, BE, Oană, I. Detecting tie patterns in the personal networks of people against COVID-19 vaccination (manuscris)
[12] Nichita, D., Dima, M. Overcoming practical challenges in applying Convergent Cross Mapping to climate data (manuscris)
Seturi de date cu DOI, publicate în repozitoare electronice/digitale
[1] Hâncean MG, Lerner J, Perc M, Oană I, Bunaciu DA, Stoica AA, Ghiță MC. Replication data for: Occupations and their impact on the spreading of COVID-19 in urban communities. Zenodo (2021) doi:
[2] Hâncean MG, Lerner J, Perc M, Ghiță MC, Bunaciu DA, Stoica AA, Mihăila BE. Replication Data for: The role of age in the spreading of COVID-19 across a social network in Bucharest. Harvard Dataverse (2021) doi:
[3] Hâncean MG, Ghiță MC, Perc M, Lerner J, Oană I, Mihăilă BE, Stoica AA, Bunaciu DA. Replication data for: Disaggregated data on age and sex for the first 250 days of the COVID-19 pandemic in Bucharest, Romania. Figshare (2022) doi:
[4] Bunaciu DA, Hâncean MG, Lerner J, Perc M, Molina JL, Geantă M. Replication data for: Assortative mixing of opinions about COVID-19 vaccination in personal networks. figshare (2023) doi:
[5] Oană I, Pințoiu-Mihăilă BE, Hâncean MG. COVID-19 integrated dataset: a unique blend of social dynamics and weather conditions. Zenodo (2023) doi: